09 Mar

Does your child struggle with self-esteem issues? 

It is extremely common for the youth of today to struggle with their self-esteem. They get caught up in the 'rat race' of school, trying to fit in and trying to be 'cool'. They end up losing their identity through comparing themselves to others - most of the time comparing their weaknesses to strengths of others. We, as the mentors are here to healthily increase and help them develop a positive self-esteem. When developing a healthy and realistic self-esteem, self-efficacy (the belief of one's ability to complete a task) is an extremely important avenue to go through. We are here to help your child see themselves through a positive light, appreciating all their strengths and thereafter building a realistic and positive sense of self!

Are you worried that your child might be struggling socially at school? 

Through our background in psychological counselling and focus on child development, we strive to educate your child on important social dynamics. We walk them through various social scenarios and explain why each individual might have acted the way they did. Better understanding a social situation can help your child regulate their emotions and behavior to be more suitable, both of which contribute to their social 'popularity'.  

Are you worried that your child is struggling to find what they’re ‘good’ at? 

We mentor through a lens of positivism. Positivism aims to see each individual in their own light, shining brightly on their positives/strengths and create a reality for the child built around their strengths. We help your child find their own creative and individualized way of taking advantage of their environment. This is also very closely linked to the concept of self-awareness, in which, we will be diving deep! 

Are you struggling to understand why your child spends so much time on social media and what it might be doing to them? 

Social media is probably one of those 'things' that parents are slightly less familiar with, or at least with the way the youth of today use it. Still being in our youth or having recently gone through some of the dilemmas your child is currently going through, sound advice will be offered and deeply spoken about with your child to avoid many of the common mistakes or 'pitfalls' of the social media world.

Maybe you’re just simply worried about your child in general and you can’t get through to them because they think you might not ‘understand’… 

The struggles of a child going through various stages of their development, be it puberty, having moved schools, struggling socially etc., are all dynamics that we have been through, observed from the eye of a teacher in a school system as well as studied the theory of psychology of child development. We will be dedicating our time and fully empathetic energy to hearing your child and giving them the best possible guidance, we are capable of giving. We look into decision making and moral development. Teaching them about peer pressure, explaining dynamics and why certain things exist the way they do, is sometimes extremely important to the moral development of your child! Therefore, taking the time and putting effort into explaining and helping the child understand why they need to do certain things and act in certain ways, can often help motivate them to act in the way we want them to!We are not professional therapists, but we are individuals that care deeply about children thriving in a world that doesn't make it easy!

If you’re worried about your child’s academic performance 

All our mentors have fair experience of the academic world. Whether it's helping your child study, understand how they will best study, motivating them to perform, helping them manage their time and provide some structure or advice - we are all more than capable in this field of expertise.  

Does your child have an issue with controlling and understanding their emotions? 

This is an area we understand really well! Many children with emotional issues fall into one of two brackets: externalizing tendencies or internalizing tendencies.Those with externalizing issues, often have narcissistic tendencies, leading them to an overly high self-esteem at the price of denying reality - we then look to break down certain behaviors and decisions realistically and take steps to aim for positive change.Those that have internalizing issues, have irrationally low self-esteems. These tendencies will forever get in between them and success, unless changed! We aim to better these habits and attitudes by reducing the helplessness through rationally reasoning and explaining a few dynamics to them. Self-awareness once again comes into play when dealing with emotions and is an area we cover in depth!

Finally, why us?

Mentoring you child is a passion of ours! We have arrived at this passion because we have seen what the system can do to trouble individuals. Most importantly, we are passionate about this idea as we all feel that we could have benefitted extraordinarily from this a few years ago! 


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